Mapping of Regional Potential and Competitiveness in Constructing a Self-Reliance Model for Mentawai Indigenous Communities


  • Margaretha Ardhanari Management Department, Faculty of Business, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
  • Sebastianus Widanarto Prijowuntato Departement of Accounting Education, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta
  • Paulus Sukapto Department of Industrial Engineering, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
  • Visi Saujaningati Kristyanto Management Department, Faculty of Business, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
  • Marihot Nainggolan Department of Industrial Engineering, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia



UMA, Competitiveness, Underdeveloped Areas, Local Potential


This paper aims to map the potential of the region and competitiveness in constructing a model of self-reliance for the Mentawai indigenous peoples. Design/methodology/approach Techniques of collecting data by interviewing and studying documents and archives. The target respondents are government officials, tribal chiefs, teachers, clergy, and community leaders. Findings - The gross enrollment rate (APK) for elementary schools in 2021 is 115.91 percent; SMP APK is 86.54 percent; and high school APK of 67.07 percent. Practical implications collect data on Mentawai in an effort to build a recommendation namely 1) training for UMA members to determine appropriate training for UMA members, such as services, craft training, food processing, culture, religion, and so on; 2) Recording and enlivening the cultures that exist in UMA; 3) increasing capacity building and developing the character of UMA members, 3) Awareness of tourism potential; 4) Development of internet network and digital literacy. Originality/value this study analyzes a real picture of the Mentawai situation and conditions in an effort to develop so that Mentawai is able to develop in keeping pace with developments with other regions.


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How to Cite

Ardhanari, M., Sebastianus Widanarto Prijowuntato, Paulus Sukapto, Visi Saujaningati Kristyanto, & Marihot Nainggolan. (2024). Mapping of Regional Potential and Competitiveness in Constructing a Self-Reliance Model for Mentawai Indigenous Communities . Greenation International Journal of Engineering Science, 1(4), 147–159.