The Influence of Job Stress and Work Culture on the Performance of Employees at The Lodge Maribaya Company, Bandung City


  • Peni Cahyati Tasikmalaya Health Polytechnic, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
  • Elvie Maria University IBBI Medan, Medan, Indonesia
  • Nandan Limakrisna University Persada Indonesia Y.A.I, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Nurdiana Mulyatini University Galuh, Ciamis, Indonesia
  • April Gunawan M College of Maritime Science Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia



Job Stress, Work Culture, Employee Perfomance\


The objective of this research is to determine the impact of work-related stress on the performance of employees at The Lodge Maribaya firm. (2) This study examines the impact of work culture on employee performance at The Lodge Maribaya company. (3) Additionally, it investigates the role of job stress on work culture at The Lodge Maribaya company. (4) This study examines the impact of job stress and work culture on employee performance at The Lodge Maribaya enterprise. The research was conducted at the companyInvestama's facility, The Lodge Maribaya. A study was done at Investama's firm, The Lodge Maribaya, with a sample size of 30 individuals. The data utilized in this study consist of primary data and secondary data. Data collecting methods include techniques such as document recording, interviews, and surveys. For doing data analysis using route analysis. The findings of this study indicate that job stress and work culture have a favorable impact on employee performance at The Lodge Maribaya organization. (2) Work stress has a beneficial impact on the work culture at The Lodge Maribaya firm. (3) Work stress has a favorable impact on staff performance at The Lodge Maribaya firm. (4) The work culture of The Lodge Maribaya organization has a beneficial impact on staff performance.


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How to Cite

Cahyati, P., Maria, E., Limakrisna, N., Mulyatini, N., & Gunawan M, A. (2024). The Influence of Job Stress and Work Culture on the Performance of Employees at The Lodge Maribaya Company, Bandung City. Greenation International Journal of Economics and Accounting (GIJEA), 2(2), 120–125.