Focus and Scope

Greenation International Journal of Law and Social Sciences (GIJLSS) is a journal that uses a blind peer-review model that can be accessed online. GIJLSS aims to publish a journal containing quality articles that will be able to contribute thoughts from theoretical and empirical perspectives for the advancement of technology and education. The writings on GIJLSS will make a significant contribution to critical thinking in the scientific field in general, particularly in the fields of Law and Social Sciences.

The scope of fields contained in GIJLSS includes the following fields:

  1. International Law
  2. Constitutional Law
  3. Civil Law
  4. Economic Law
  5. Environmental Law
  6. Criminal Law
  7. State Administrative Law
  8. Technology, Information, and Communication Law
  9. Human Rights Law
  10. Islamic and Family Law
  11. Agrarian Law
  12. Political Science
  13. International Relations
  14. Administrative Sciences (Commerce, State, Public, Development, Etc.)
  15. Criminology
  16. Legal Science
  17. Science of Government and Management
  18. Social and Political Sciences
  19. Development Studies (Development Planning, Area, City)
  20. National Resilience
  21. Police Science
  22. Public Policy
  23. Other fields of political science that have not been listed
  24. Social Welfare Studies
  25. Sociology
  26. Humanities
  27. Regional Study (Europe, Asia, Japan, Middle East Etc.)
  28. Archeology
  29. Science of Sociology
  30. Population (Demography and Other Population Studies)
  31. History (Science of History)
  32. Cultural and Educational Studies
  33. Islamic Broadcasting Communication
  34. Communication Studies
  35. Anthropology

The scope of fields included in GIJLSS covers the following areas: Published articles on research results and literature review with acceptable research methodologies, qualitative studies, quantitative studies, or a combination of both, statistical analysis, case studies, field research, and historical studies. GIJLSS accepts manuscripts from various related parties, such as relevant researchers, professors, students, policymakers, scientists, and others.